The Effect of Geopolitics on Cybersecurity

by CIRT Team
The Effect of Geopolitics on Cybersecurity

Technological growth and its breakthrough advances, along with their advantages, also have disadvantages, which are obvious examples of communication equipment. In fact, today, the Internet, telephones, cell phones and other communication devices can be described as a double-edged sword used to facilitate communications on the one hand and to spy on and monitor information.
The main pillar of cyber security – from the very beginning of this concept – is the implementation of technical and non-technical measures that ensure the security of information systems. But for these measures to be effective, they must cover all possible threats and vulnerabilities, as only a small flaw can provide the basis for a widespread attack.
The fact is that, contrary to what most people think, “cyberspace” is not a virtual space. In fact, the use of the word virtual has led astray people and ideas in this field. Cyber space is a real space in a new arena for influence and consequence of friendship, cooperation, competition, hostility and even war between nations and other actors. It shows well that the Internet and cyberspace have opened a new field for politics, where individuals, groups, and governments are engaged in policymaking. Accordingly, “cyberpolitics” and “cyber security” are spoken about in international relations and politics today.
Cyber-politics is a two-part concept that refers to the
interplay of two policy areas
(friendship, cooperation, competition, conflict and the
fight for values and interests) and the Internet (a new space for acting). Cyberspace
Interaction Space, or more properly the “cyber-politics” space, is the latest and
most important field of interest for policy and international experts in theory
and practice, neglecting which can cause serious harm. And unpredictable for
countries as the most important actors in the field of international relations.
Today in the field of international relations and politics there is talk of “cyber-politics” and “cyber security”. Cyberspace is a real space in a new realm of influence and consequence of friendship, cooperation, competition, hostility, and even war between nations and other actors. These illustrate well that the Internet and cyberspace have opened a new field for politics, where individuals, groups, and governments are engaged in policymaking.
In the field of international relations, influenced by the
tradition of realism, international issues are divided into crucial issues such
as security and less important issues such as economic issues. Some experts
believe that due to the importance of the cyberspace, cyber-policy should be
considered as one of the most important, critical and security issues or
excellent policy. They point out that millions of people worldwide now have access
to computers and the Internet, and that the number of users and the level and depth
of Internet use are increasing every day, which provides a very important
playing field for politics Is. The number of users is increasing daily as well
as the level of technology. In such circumstances, cyberspace plays an
important role in guiding public opinion, setting priorities and desires,
public diplomacy, espionage, sabotage, war, conflict and everything that
actually constitutes the real policy space. As a result, cyberspace should be
considered a top policy.
The Theoretical Framework and the Most Important Impacts of
Cyberspace on Politics and International Relations include three fundamental
issues: The first is to provide a “conceptual order” to explain the
relationship between cyberspace and politics. The second issue is identifying
and believing in the broad relationship between cyberspace and politics. The
third issue is to explain the path and the important issues in this regard. The
“side pressure” theory is applicable to this field.
At the global level, the emphasis is that the Internet space and its widespread effects on the world of politics cannot be debated with the old levels that emphasize the individual, the state or the international arena. The Internet is a space for simultaneous acting, nongovernmental actors such as terrorists and private companies in the economic, cultural, security and even military dimensions. Therefore, it should be emphasized at the global level that while combining the other levels, it creates a broad linkage between all levels and dimensions and is capable of analyzing other political space. Therefore, lateral pressure theory attempts to establish a link between the individual, state, and international levels as the old levels and the level of global analysis.
Based on the experience of the past few decades, the Internet and cyberspace have had an impact on the relations of countries, especially the US and Iran. In fact, serious competition between countries in this field is positively or negatively. In this battle, major countries, including China and the United States, are trying to outperform others in technology, which has positive implications for the advancement of the Internet, but at the same time the Internet has created a new atmosphere of competition, hostility and war that some countries, including It has attracted America and Iran.
On the subject of Internet content and the role and policies
of governments in controlling cyberspace, powerful countries are trying to
influence the direction and orality of the Internet space and determine its
future direction. On the other hand, weaker countries in the field are trying
to influence the Internet through content filtering, with a negative and defensive
look. In such an environment, the serious competition that exists between Western
countries and others is taking shape every day.
In the cyber-political space as an important new issue in the
field of politics and
international relations, as in other areas of politics,
“values” and “interests” are played by various actors such as governments,
organizations and government actors. And NGOs, and even people, are produced,
distributed and consumed. As a matter of fact, cyber policies has put new
players alongside governments as the most important international relations
players, sometimes more powerful and successful than governments. However,
apart from all the positive benefits and benefits of the Internet, the reality
is that the Internet has provided a “new war space” that is referred to as
“cyber warfare”. In this type of war, countries and other actors use the
Internet to spy, sabotage, create riots, revolutions, and even destroy military
and critical military facilities and centers.
As a result, the conditions for cooperation and interaction
have become more important than ever. While countries and other actors are
aware of the need for extensive international cooperation on the Internet, they
are aware that the cyberspace has created a new field of international
The fundamental cause of cyber warfare is international political mistrust. As this escalates, so international cyber incidents increase – and there is little doubt that political mistrust is as high as it has ever been since the end of the Cold War. Sino-American tensions remain high, complicated by the unpredictability of a newly nuclear North Korea. The War on Terror that replaced the Cold War has seen the emergence of Iran as a sponsor of terror; both on the streets and in cyberspace. And Russia’s new found energy wealth sees Putin apparently determined to make the Russian Federation as powerful as the old Soviet Union.
Kinetically, the United States is probably the world’s sole Super Power; perhaps followed by China. Cyberspace, however, is a huge leveler. “What you’re seeing today is technology straining and sometimes eclipsing the ability of traditional constraints and institutions to keep them in check,” Christopher Bray, SVP/GM Consumer at Cylance Inc, told SecurityWeek. “It’s also resulting in smaller nations punching above their weight when it comes to cyber defensive and offensive capabilities, and exerting these new-found technological powers in advancing their geopolitical agendas as well as their desire to monitor their own populations to various degrees. This monitoring is always done in the interest of ‘national security’, but depending on the government in question, it can also lead into a more Orwellian direction.”
In short, cyber warfare can be exerted by any nation with an actual or perceived grievance against any other nation; and the implication of that is that it will continue to grow. This is likely to have several negative effects on cyberspace.
Geopolitics and cybercrime have become a subject of intense international scrutiny as different countries have accused one another of hacking and interfering with one another’s operations and military secrets. This has created enmity, although it all ends online as countries try to outdo one another through counter attacks. Developed nations have weaponized their cyberspace and made it ready to attack whenever they are attacked. However, if not well-regulated, cyberspace can be very damaging to different economies around the world. Thus, it is recommended that nations come together to formulate laws and governing bodies control the use of cyberweapons among the member states. There are some proposals that can be used to increase international coordination in the cyberspace and protect the resiliency and stability
of the world digital economy. There is currently no universally created body that works towards enhancing world cooperation in dealing with cybercrime and no clear mechanism to be used in developing strong believes and good behavior of countries in the cyberspace. The lack of policy enables malicious actors to use the internet in whichever way they want, without any consequences. The world needs to be safer now and not wait for a major attack to wake up and act.
Tawhidur Rahman, PCSS EnCE CCISO ACE,CFIP SCCISP,CCTA Senior Technical Specialist(Digital Security & Diplomacy), BGD e-GOV CIRT