BGD e-GOV CIRT has successfully organized country’s First Cyber Drill 2020

by CIRT Team

BGD e-GOV CIRT has successfully organized country’s 1st cyber drill on 22 October 2020. It was designed for the personnel of financial institutions. The purpose of this drill was to sharpen skills during incident handling. Challenges consisted of the use of hands-on skills, tools and real targets, real memory captures, and challenging analysis scenarios.
The theme for this event was “Incident Handling in Financial Institute”. In Cyber Security, incident management is the process of identifying, managing, recording and analyzing security threats or incidents in real time. Total 35 teams from different types of organization including Banks & Non-Bank Financial institutions participated in the drill. We believe this drill helped them to build resilience and capacity for handling cyber threats in future.

The cyber drill was inaugurated by Director General of Digital Security Agency, Md. Rezaul Karim and by Project Director of BGD e-GOV CIRT, Tarique M Barkatullah. Hon Col John Davies, Co-Founder & Chairperson of Cyber Wales gave a short presentation in the event. The event concluded on a high note by Executive Director of Bangladesh Computer Council, Mr. Parthapratim Deb.