BGD e-GOV CIRT is now Trusted Introducer of TF-CSIRT

by CIRT Team
BGD e-GOV CIRT has been listed as Trusted Introducer of TF-CSIRT from 14 September 2018.
Constituency of BGD e-GOV CIRT are all governmental institutions of Bangladesh. Constituency sector is “government” and constituency type is “mixed” (internal and external). Part of the constituency is using National Data Center (NDC) located at BCC where host their IT resources and services.
Security and Incident Response teams manage the handling of information security incidents within their organisation or network – their tasks broadly range from prevention and awareness raising, via incident detection to the actual tracking and resolving of incidents and drawing lessons from that.
The Trusted Introducer Service – a.k.a. TI – was established by the European CERT community in 2000 to address common needs and build a service infrastructure providing vital support for all security and incident response teams.
To safeguard the trusted environment a comprehensive set of processes have been defined, outlining what it takes to participate and maintain a team’s status within the TI community. This requires a long-term committment of the participating teams and individuals and the TI processes emphasize the need for continuous improvement and maintenance as regular tasks.
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