BGD e-GOV CIRT has topped on Cybersecurity Drill – arranged by Sandia National Laboratories, US

by CIRT Team
Sandia National Laboratories Center for Global Security and Cooperation (operated by National
Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC.) – Operated for the United States Department of Energy arranged two days hands on training on the “Countering DPRK Cyber Operations Workshop” held on 11 – 1 2 June 2019 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The purpose of the workshop was to understand and prevent DPRK illicit cyber
activity against
financial institutions. The workshop included training and group exercises on
cyber operations,
examination of the frameworks used to identify and develop risk mitigation
processes as well as
a real-time scenario-based exercise that will examine the types of illicit
cyber-attacks that have
been used by DPRK.
Teams from several organizations participated in the workshop including, National Telecommunication Monitoring Center (NTMC), Bangladesh Police, Bangladesh Air Force, Bangladesh Bank, Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd, CID of Bangladesh Police, IFIC Bank, Lanka Bangla Finance Ltd, Biman Bangladesh Airlines, Shimanto Bank Ltd etc.

Activities of BGD e-GOV CIRT
BGD e-GOV CIRT team has participated in the workshop. The team has successfully completed all the activities regarding the event and scored top position with a very competitive response time. The team had also participants from BAF, Biman Bangladesh Airlines and Lankabangla Finance Ltd. Several real-time scenario-based cyber security related problems were solved in the drill including Digital Forensics, Linux Kernel, Cryptography, Recon & Exploitation etc.
Problem Sets:

Final Score Board: