BGD e-GOV CIRT has received operational membership from APCERT

by CIRT Team
Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) is taking necessary measures to improve Bangladesh’s capability to manage the risks related to digital revolution and deal with fast growing cybercrime. Bangladesh e-Government Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-GOV CIRT) was established at BCC under the project “Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance Project (LICT)”.
What is BGD e-GOV CIRT?
The Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) investigates and resolves computer & cyber security incidents. CIRT entity is a key function for securing digital environment on the digital domain of the country.
BGD e-GOV CIRT mission is to support government efforts to develop and boot ICT programs by establishing incident management capabilities within Bangladesh, which will make these programs more efficient and reliable.
Recently, BGD e-GOV CIRT has received operational membership from the Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team on date August 07, 2017. Through the membership, it is hoped to further develop information sharing and collaboration within APCERT, aiming to improve the security of the Internet ecosystem and the effectiveness of emergency response. This membership will also help to reinforce the cooperation among CSIRT’s in the Asia Pacific region.
APCERT will work to help create a Safe, Clean and Reliable cyber space in the Asia Pacific Region through global collaboration. APCERT will maintain a trusted contact network of computer security experts in the Asia Pacific region to improve the region’s awareness and competency in relation to computer security incidents through:
- Enhancing Asia Pacific regional and international cooperation on information security;
- Jointly developing measures to deal with large-scale or regional network security incidents;
- Facilitating information sharing and technology exchange, including information security, computer virus and malicious code among its members;
- Promoting collaborative research and development on subjects of interest to its members;
- Assisting other CERTs and CSIRTS in the region to conduct efficient and effective computer emergency response;
- Providing inputs and/or recommendations to help address legal issues related to information security and emergency response across regional boundaries.
Visit their official website for detail :