Author Archives: CIRT Team

CIRT Team An interactive learning tool for Cybersecurity
in Articles, English articles, News An interactive learning tool for Cybersecurity

Through the 4th industrial revolution is in full swing, data security has become more imperative and challenging. Computer Science education has been expanded similarly to different branches like Cybersecurity. In this article, we are going to discuss a tech tool, which is being used extensively in this field as a problem-solving, learning, and assessment platform focusing on information security concepts only. In this particular...

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15 Feb 2021
in Security Advisories & Alerts

Hildegard Malware [cyberflorida]

I. Targeted Software Docker Kubernetes Amazon Web Services (AWS) Microsoft Azure Google Cloud II. Introduction A hacking group referred to as “TeamTNT” has been active within the previous 8 months. In the summer of 2020, security researches identified TeamTNT as the group behind a crypto-mining malware capable of stealing local credentials and Amazon Web Services (AWS) login details.[2] TeamTNT had been targeting Docker and Kubernetes.[2]...

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14 Feb 2021
in Security Advisories & Alerts

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco VPN Routers Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution.

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Cisco VPN Routers, themost severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution as theroot user of an affected device. These VPN routers are often used toconnect hosts via the router hardware as opposed to individualinstallations on each device. Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilitiescould allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the root...

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10 Feb 2021
in Security Advisories & Alerts

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Apple Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apple Products, themost severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. * tvOS is an operating system for the fourth-generation Apple TV digitalmedia player.* watchOS is the mobile operating system for the Apple Watch and isbased on the iOS operating system.* iPadOS is the successor to iOS 12 and is a mobile operating system foriPads.* iOS is a...

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10 Feb 2021
in Security Advisories & Alerts

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Android OS Could Allow for Remote Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Google Androidoperating system (OS), the most severe of which could allow for remotecode execution. Android is an operating system developed by Google formobile devices, including, but not limited to, smartphones, tablets, andwatches. Successful exploitation of the most severe of thesevulnerabilities could allow for remote code execution within the contextof a privileged process. Depending on the privileges associated withthis...

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08 Feb 2021
in Security Advisories & Alerts

A Vulnerability in GnuPG Libgcrypt Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:A vulnerability has been discovered in GNU Libgcrypt, which could allowfor arbitrary code execution. Libgcrypt is a generic cryptographiclibrary offered as part of GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) software suite toprovide building blocks for carrying out cryptographic tasks such asencrypting and signing data and communications. It is shipped with mostLinux distributions including Ubuntu and Fedora. Successful exploitationof this vulnerability could result in arbitrary code execution in...

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08 Feb 2021
in Security Advisories & Alerts

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Apple Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apple Products, themost severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. * tvOS is an operating system for the fourth-generation Apple TV digitalmedia player.* watchOS is the mobile operating system for the Apple Watch and isbased on the iOS operating system.* iPadOS is the successor to iOS 12 and is a mobile operating system foriPads.* iOS is a...

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04 Feb 2021
in Security Advisories & Alerts

Cisco Products Could Lead to Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Cisco’s SD-WAN, DNACenter, and Smart Software Manager Satellite products, the most severeof which could allow for arbitrary code execution with system privileges. * SD-WAN is used for cloud-based network architecture* DNA Center is a management platform for the Digital NetworkArchitecture product* Smart Software Manager is an enterprise product activation key/licensemanager Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilitiescould...

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04 Feb 2021
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