Security Advisories & Alerts

CVE-2020-12695 : Data Exfiltration & Reflected Amplified TCP DDOS & Port Scan

The Open Connectivity Foundation UPnP specification before 2020-04-17 does not forbid the acceptance of a subscription request with a delivery URL on a different network segment than the fully qualified event-subscription URL, aka the CallStranger issue. What is UPnP? Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of networking protocols that permits networked devices, such as personal computers, printers, Internet gateways, Wi-Fi access points and...

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A Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows SMB Server Could Allow for Remote Code Execution (CVE-2020-0796)

Description: A vulnerability has been discovered in Microsoft Windows SMB Server that could allow for remote code execution. This vulnerability is due to an error in handling maliciously crafted compressed data packets within version 3.1.1 of Server Message Blocks. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker can send specially crafted compressed data packets to a target Microsoft Server Message Block 3.0 (SMBv3) server. Clients who connects...

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A Vulnerability in Zoom Client Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

Description: A vulnerability has been discovered in Zoom Client that could allow for arbitrary code execution. An exploitable partial path traversal vulnerability exists in the way Zoom Client processes messages including shared code snippets. A specially crafted chat message can cause an arbitrary binary planting which could be abused to achieve arbitrary code execution due to how Zoom handles shared files. Zoom automatically unpacks shared...

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Segmentation fault in SSL_check_chain (CVE-2020-1967)

Severity: High Server or client applications that call the SSL_check_chain() function during or after a TLS 1.3 handshake may crash due to a NULL pointer dereference as a result of incorrect handling of the “signature_algorithms_cert” TLS extension. The crash occurs if an invalid or unrecognised signature algorithm is received from the peer. This could be exploited by a malicious peer in a Denial of Service...

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Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Report April 2020

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a reference-method for publicly known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures. The National Cybersecurity FFRDC, operated by the Mitre Corporation, maintains the system, with funding from the National Cyber Security Division of the United States Department of Homeland Security. Report : Following is the CVE report from BGD e-GOV CIRT for the month of April 2020.

Coronavirus Update App Leads to Project Spy Android and iOS Spyware

Security researchers at Trend Micro discovered a potential cyberespionage campaign, which we have named Project Spy, that infects Android and iOS devices with spyware.Trend Micro also reported that, significantly small number of downloads of the app in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Romania, Grenada, and Russia. The spyware apps can steal Facebook messages, WhatsApp messages, text messages, contact lists, call logs, photos,...

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Google Chrome Use-After-Free Memory Critical Vulnerability (CVE-2020-6457)

Description:A vulnerability was identified in Google Chrome, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to trigger remote code execution and denial of service on the targeted system. Impact:Denial of ServiceRemote Code Execution Google Chrome (Desktop version) prior to 81.0.4044.113 version are vulnerable. Mitigation:Updates are available.Google has released Chrome version 81.0.4044.113 for Windows, Mac, and Linux.Please see the references or vendor advisory for more information. Reference:

Mozilla Patches Critical Vulnerabilities in Firefox, Firefox ESR

Description: Mozilla has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in Firefox and Firefox ESR. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. These vulnerabilities have been detected in exploits in the wild. Impact: A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system. Mitigation: Updates are available. Please see the references or vendor advisory for more...

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Google Releases Security Updates

Description: Google has released Chrome version 81.0.4044.92 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This version addresses vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to take control of an affected system. Impact: A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system. Mitigation: Updates are available. Please see the references or vendor advisory for more information. Reference URL’s:

Juniper Networks Releases Security Updates

Description: Juniper Networks has released security updates to address multiple vulnerabilities in various Juniper products. A remote attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. Impact: A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system. Mitigation: Updates are available. Please see the references or vendor advisory for more information. Reference URL’s:

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